Welcome to DON MOHNEY JR & ASSOCIATES, a leading real estate appraisal firm located in JENSEN BEACH, FLORIDA. We specialize in residential appraisals for FHA Insured Loans, Reverse Mortgages, Lender Asset Valuation, Mortgage Lending, Foreclosure Decisions, Estates, Divorces and Individuals with specific purposes. We also perform reviews for major lenders and other end users of real estate appraisals. Founded on sound principals and executed with a staff of professionals utilizing state of the art computer technology and data resources, Don Mohney & Associates provides accurate, responsible results quickly and efficiently.
Our commitment to the industry and the enhancement of technology has helped our customers reduce their time (ie workload) by streamlining the process with electronic product delivery and this website. With the click of a mouse you will be able to order, track, receive and view accounts payable through a secure and individualized log on. Our data is updated constantly so you are always notified on all stages of the appraisal request through completion.